Can Openers – Health & Safety
Is it full of a brown paste food residue? Is it full of metal shavings?
If these are present in the can opener, this is what is going in the food you serve. If a customer gets a taste of a metal shaving, you will likely lose that customer for life. A cruddy can opener is not only a health violation but it can lead you to lose business as well. That’s why it’s important to have your commercial can opener serviced in Cleveland and Northern Ohio. Keep your business operations crisis-free by maintaining your equipment. Most can openers are a standard Edlund #1. There is also the smaller Edlund #2 and the stainless S-11. With years of experience, Service Wet Grinding checks all the boxes for a professional commercial can opener service in Cleveland and Northern Ohio.You can get rid of your can opener liabilities by using our quality services for commercial can opener repair in Cleveland and Northern Ohio.
The can opener is the item most often cited by the health inspector. With health and safety a priority, you need to keep your commercial can openers spick and span at all times. Take a look at yours, especially where the gear and blade meet.